Would You Buy an Electric Vehicle If This Happened?

Alex Koyfman

Posted July 21, 2022

Dear Reader,

When polled, prospective electric vehicle buyers consistently cite charge time as the No. 1 reason for their reluctance to make the switch from internal-combustion engine vehicles.

If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you're among these people.

It hasn't always been this way. In the early days of EVs, the list of reasons for not buying into the electric revolution included such things as lack of range, underwhelming performance, lack of selection, and, of course, Catholic nun-inspired styling.

Today, virtually all of the classic reasons for staying away have faded away.

Electric cars today are more powerful and quicker than anything motivated by fossil fuel. Top-end offerings from the likes of Porsche and Audi have broken the 200 mph barrier, are considered by many to be the most attractive vehicles on the market, and can now travel upward of 500 miles on a single charge.

Porsche Taycan

And yet charge time still remains a hurdle.

The Problem That Just Won't Go Away

Even with the fastest Level 3 charging, you're simply not going to get substantial range from your brand-new Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), Lucid (NASDAQ: LCID), or Rivian (NASDAQ: RIVN) unless you're willing to wait about 40 minutes.

Charging at home using a Level 2 or Level 1 station, you're going to wait at least several hours, if not overnight, to get the same range.

And that's a problem if you drive long distances on a regular basis. People accustomed to spending two or three minutes at the pump will require a minor cultural reeducation if they're going to accept that limitation, which, simply put, means it's not going to happen.

So how is the EV future that we've all been promised going to be realized if the most important link in the chain — the consumer — is not willing to take the plunge?

The answer is, barring any oppressive legislation like the kind we're seeing put into place in Western Europe, it won't.

We need a solution to the problem on a technical level, and that solution is going to require a new kind of battery.

Lithium-ion is the weak link in this chain, and, unfortunately, there's simply nothing to be done.

Our Most Precious Resource: Time

Charge delay is just one of many weaknesses the lithium-ion battery brings to the equation. Poor reliability, high failure rate, short service life, and a very troublesome supply chain (most lithium production will be in Chinese hands by the end of the decade) are some of the other notable items on that list.

So a new battery is the only solution, and now that solution is slowly starting to enter the consumer mainstream.

A next-gen rechargeable battery, based on a new and revolutionary nanotechnological material, is entering the scene, and some of the advantages it brings are nothing short of shocking.

These advantages include a 50% higher energy density, which means ranges approaching 700, even 1,000 miles, may be possible.

A service life of up to three times more charge cycles mean that your next (or first) EV might have a lifetime range of a million miles or more.

But most important of all, it boasts a charge time of under one minute to take the battery from 0% to 100%.

Yes, You Read That Right

That's no exaggeration. We're talking about a 70x improvement in charge speed, which means you will be able to charge your EV in less time than it takes the guy at the pump to fill his tank.

This unprecedented improvement will be enough to tip the balance toward EVs all by itself, but, amazingly enough, that's not where the benefits stop.

The material from which these advanced battery cathodes are constructed requires no mining and no complicated import agreements or treaties. It can be made using nothing more than natural gas and electricity.

The result is a complete shift in the nature of the industry. No more failures or headline-drawing fires. No more environmental impact. No more foreign influence from hostile nations.

These new batteries sound like sci-fi magic, but the reality is that small, consumer electronic-size versions of this advanced micro power plant are already in production.

They're already being shipped to client corporations for testing and evaluation, and soon enough you will see them disrupting the EV industry.

You've Never Heard About This Company… But You Will

But here's the biggest shocker of them all: This tech is owned by one small, virtually unknown firm operating out of Brisbane, Australia.

The stock has been trading publicly, though under the radar of the MSM, for years. It is, in my humble opinion, one of the most underbought stocks in the entire tech sector.

When I made this discovery a few months ago, I spent days researching the company and the science, trying to figure out why the media weren't all over it.

My only answer to that question is that it's simply too new and too threatening to the establishment to be allowed into the public consciousness.

It became my mission to change that, so I put all of my research into a quick video presentation for the benefit of my readers.

I recommend you get the low-down on this company and its history-making new battery ASAP.

Shares of the stock are now trading at under $4, putting the company's market capitalization at right around $250 million.

For a company that owns the rights to a potentially trillion-dollar technology, that is obviously a drop in the bucket.

Don't waste another second. Get informed right now. Access my presentation here, sit back, and see what I'm talking about firsthand.

There's no registration needed. You can watch and make up your own mind. Share it with your friends, or keep the secret to yourself — it's up to you… But know this: Nothing in the EV space will ever be the same after this new battery takes over.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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